Economic Interests & Social Issues

Listen to the following interviews to hear perspectives on business, retail, and tourism and how these relate to joblessness, homelessness, and violence in Kennedy Plaza.

Interview: John Joyce
Date: October 15, 2012 (5:30 p.m.)
Location: Blue State Coffee, Providence, RI
Description: John Joyce, an outreach worker with the Providence Center, discusses homelessness and transportation in Kennedy Plaza. 

Interview: Luis Sanchez
Date: October 2012
Location: Biltmore Hotel, Providence, RI
Description: Luis Sanchez, doorman at the Biltmore Hotel in Providence, talks about the homelessness and its effects on tourism in Kennedy Plaza.

Interview: Lenny McIntyre
Date: October 2012
Location: Burnside Park, Providence, RI
Description: Lenny McIntyre, a long-time Providence resident, speaks about some of the struggles facing the homeless population as well as safety and police presence in Kennedy Plaza.

Interview: Harriet Samors
Date: October 2012
Location: Brown University
Description: Harriet Samors, a long-time Providence resident, speaks about economic issues and how they affect the city and Kennedy Plaza.

Interview: Ryan Reeves
Date: October 2012
Location: Farmers' Market
Description: Ryan Reeves, a resident of the West side of Providence and Manager of the Providence Farmers' Market, speaks about the struggles facing the future of the market. 

Interview: Bill Lebron
Date: October 2012
Location: Kennedy Plaza
Description: Bill Lebron, a police ranger for Kennedy Plaza, expresses his opinions about homelessness and loitering in the plaza.